Tomato and Grilled Cheese Soup

I normally don’t like tomato soup unless I am using it as a dip for my grilled cheese. However, I got this fantastic idea from Influenster, after they sent me a free sample of Annie’s Creamy Tomato and Bunny Pasta Soup. They suggested I add some Annie’s Cheddar Bunnies to the soup and eat it that way. It was sooo good!

Soup with Cheddar Bunnies

The cheddar bunnies took the place of grilled cheese for me, because they were cheesy and crunchy, but it saved me some time because I didn’t actually have to make grilled cheese. I just heated up the soup in the microwave, added the cheddar bunnies, and Ta-daa! Yummy cheesy and tomatoey soup for lunch.

Also, this package has the cutest opening instructions:


I started with less, but ended up loading in the cheddar bunnies. It was basically cereal…


So, the recipe for this one is super simple:


  1. Tomato Soup
  2. Cheesy crackers of any kind

I really liked the Annie’s brand stuff, but you could use any brand of your choosing. I guess this isn’t much of a recipe, but more of an idea for you. Anyways, hope you enjoy! My little one certainly enjoyed playing with the package.


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